Everyone gets pimples even once in lifetime. An estimated 60 percent of all people between the ages of 10 and 35 have pimples outbreaks at some point. Pimples can flare up at any time and unfortunately 50 percent of them leave a scar behind. We can define a pimple as a tiny little infection in the skin pores a disorder resulting from the action of hormones and other substances on the skin’s oil glands and hair follicles. Pimples are small, hard, red eminences of the skin, rising gradually and then disappearing after light suppuration. A pimple begins to form when cells clump together causing a plug. Then the excess oil being produced starts to build up behind the plug.
Scientists believe that the main cause of forming a pimple is the increased production of male hormones called androgens in both girls and boys the sebaceous glands begin to produce more sebum. Pimples can develop due to genetics, which means that if your mother or father has pimples you are more likely to have them too.
The presence of bacteria on the skin’s surface often cause pimples to develop. The name of this bacteria is Propionibacterium acnes. This bacteria produce chemicals and enzymes and attract white blood cells that cause inflammation. Pimples can affect everyone, no matter races or ages. Around 60 percent of the teenagers get pimples but some people in their forties or fifties continue to have outbreaks.
The best way to treat pimples is to follow a strict skincare regime every day.
Cleansing your face two/ three times a day with appropriate for your skin type products is crucial. There are many specialized acne cleansers, astringents, exfoliators and creams containing benzyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid and glycerin that cleanse your skin in deep and “dry out” the pimples. Benzyl peroxide is a mild drying and peeling agent which is thought to help keep pores from clogging. Some products on the market can potentially be both drying and irritating to your skin. Avoid using drying products containing harsh products because they can increase your likelihood of experiencing skin irritation. Nowadays there is a wide range of different cleansers for every skin type, from normal to sensitive. The main purpose of the facial cleanser is to gently clean your skin without irritating it. It’s crucial to select a cleanser that is appropriate for your skin type. If your skin is oily or combination it must be stronger, more drying containing oil-absorbing ingredients.
Remember overzealous cleansing of the skin can lead to irritation of both normal skin and acne lesions. If you have pimples it’s essential to use a toner. I recommend you to choose a toner containing alcohol. A tonic containing alcohol will dry the pimples but use it carefully. Use specially designed tonics and lotions for oily and acne prone skin. They should contain salicylic acids, glycolic or hydroxyl acids and benzoyl peroxide. The lotions and the tonics speed up skin cell turnover, dry up the oils and promote sloughing of dead skin cells. Before applying , gently wash the affected area with a mild cleanser, then pat dry. Apply to the affected areas of the face or to the whole face.
Always remove your makeup in the evening and apply pimple-fighting medicine to remove all the impurities, oils and makeup residue. Not removing the makeup at night is the biggest deadly sin of skincare. It can be very damaging to your skin? the makeup clog your pores and breakouts may occur more frequent and most importantly your skin won’t be able to breathe.
Most of the people prefer to squeeze or pick at a pimple because they think that it is the best way to get rid of pimples. I don’t recommend you to do that? squeezing a pimple causes the pimple to become redder and inflamed. When squeezing a pimple you can easily spread the bacteria to other parts of your face. In more than 75 percent of the cases squeezing leads to red scars. Squeezing pimples sometimes may even leave open holes on your face, that are very difficult to remove later.
If the pimples are caused by excess production of male hormones / androgens/ the treatment includes several drugs – birth control pills, corticosteroid drugs and spironolactone.
Sometimes a superficial laser may be necessary to treat pimples and scars. Dermabrasion can also used to treat pimples and small scars. Dermabrasion smooths wrinkles, refines and clears enlarged pores, clogged pores, and face acne scars.
Most of the girls suffering from pimples hide them with applying too much foundation and face powder. Although most of the dermatologist and make-up artists believe that there is nothing wrong in doing so I don’t think that it’s right thing to do. You must allow your skin to breathe and as we know some greasy cosmetics / especially heavy foundations/ clog the pores and don’t allow your skin to breathe normally which often leads to an infection. In 5 percent of the cases pimples are a result from using greasy cosmetics. Under the influence of oily creams, oily powders and foundation, the skin begin to produce little subcutaneous cysts that clog the pores, making them looking larger and visible. That’s why your foundation, blush, face powder, moisturizer and hair care products must be absolutely oil-free. Greasy cosmetics may irritate the inflammations and cause further breakouts.
Make sure that all of your skincare products and makeup cosmetics are noncomedogenic and nonacnegenic which means that they won’t clog your pores, cause breakouts and pimples.
When the skin on the back is very oily, little pimples and pustules may form. It’s essential to regularly cleanse and exfoliate the back. Do a back exfoliation every week to remove the impurities embedded in the pores. Do a back mask once a week and apply hydrating body milk.
Other alternatives:
1. Apply an ice cube to the pimple and hold it for a few minutes. The ice cube decreases the swelling and redness and at the same time shrinks enlarged pores.
2. Use a concealer to hide pimples and scars the concealer should be an antibacterial and oil-free. Dot the concealer only in places you need to. Start with a slightly darker tone and blend into with a sponge to match the lighter foundation in order to avoid creating light spots. Apply the concealer after the foundation to achieve best results.
3. Applying a dab of toothpaste on the pimple before going to bed helps sooth irritation, reduces redness and dries out the pimple.
4. Apply a clay mask to your face twice a week – clay masks draw out toxins and impurities and are essential for keeping the skin clear. They work best for those with oily skin? they remove the excess oil and shrink the enlarged pores and shrink pimples. The clay mask should be applied with soft circular motions to help it get into the pores. Always let the mask to dry otherwise it won’t show good results. When the mask is dry rinse thoroughly with water and apply moisturizer. The clay masks can be applied also on the neck, back, and neckline.
5. Apply honey to any affected areas several times a day? the honey is known to reduce redness, nourish the skin and give a natural glow to the skin.
6. Rubbing your skin with lemon juice is the best and most effective way to treat pimples lemon juice lightens red scars and blemishes, maintains the pH balance of the skin.
7. Use special pimple cream that contains benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
8. Drink at least 1.5 liter mineral water every day to help detox your body from the inside out.
1. Avoid squeezing a pimples doing so may cause infection and scarring
2. Establish a strict skincare regime to prevent breakouts
3. It can take up to a 4 week for a pimple to disappear completely.
4. Do a clay mask twice a week to keep your skin clear clay mask work best for skin that is prone to pimples.
5. Squeezing a pimple often leads to infection and scarring.
6. If despite all you want to squeeze a pimple make sure your hands are clean.
7. Avoid eating oily food.
8. Never touch your face with dirty hands.
9. Keep yourself hydrated drink at least 1.5 liter mineral water.
10. Always use oil-free cosmetics.
11. Early treatment is the best way to prevent pimples scars.
12. Always remove your makeup and cleanse your face in the evening.
13. Avoid using products containing harsh ingredients.
14. Avoid applying foundation while there is an acne breakout.
15. Keep your makeup brushes clean.
16. Throw out old makeup products.
17. Pimples often indicate the presence of acne or chronic skin disease.Fast tips on getting Rid Of Pimples
Pimple outbreaks can be one of the most frustrating things to deal with. Pimples can come about at any time and with little warning. These blemishes can cause stress and anxiety, especially when they appear before a big event. Pimples are unsightly and difficult to deal with. Finding an effective and quick treatment is important for anyone that has ever dealt with a blemish. There are many fast treatment methods out there, many of which can be done with items found in ones medicine cabinet.
The key in getting rid of pimples without harming the skin is to treat them early. Toothpaste has been shown to be an effective way of treating pimples quickly. Dab a small amount of toothpaste on the effected area, after the area has been clean. Allow the toothpaste to stay on for around thirty minutes, or overnight before washing it away with an antibacterial face wash. This method will help to dry out the zit and reduce its appearance.
Tee tree oil is another product that can be used to clear up and reduce the appearance of pimples. This oil is available at most beauty supply stores and can help to flatten the pimple and reduce redness. Dabbing the oil on the pimple a couple of times throughout the day will help to get rid of pimples.
Using a facial steamer can also help to open up pores and reduce the size of the pimple. Having this done professionally is not necessary. Placing a warm washcloth over the area helps to open up the pores of the skin.
Applying lemon juice to the skin is another effective way to reduce outbreaks. Lemon juice helps to reduce scarring from acne as well. Rubbing a light layer of lemon juice can help to balance the pH levels of the skin and reduce the size of pimples.
- Increase production in hormones “androgens”
- Pregnancy
- Certain drugs
- Greasy cosmetics
- Changing hormone levels
- Stress
- Poor hygiene
- Increased oil production
- Inflammation
- Pollution
- Bacteria
- An improper diet
- Clogged pores
- Genetics
Scientists believe that the main cause of forming a pimple is the increased production of male hormones called androgens in both girls and boys the sebaceous glands begin to produce more sebum. Pimples can develop due to genetics, which means that if your mother or father has pimples you are more likely to have them too.
The presence of bacteria on the skin’s surface often cause pimples to develop. The name of this bacteria is Propionibacterium acnes. This bacteria produce chemicals and enzymes and attract white blood cells that cause inflammation. Pimples can affect everyone, no matter races or ages. Around 60 percent of the teenagers get pimples but some people in their forties or fifties continue to have outbreaks.
The best way to treat pimples is to follow a strict skincare regime every day.
Cleansing your face two/ three times a day with appropriate for your skin type products is crucial. There are many specialized acne cleansers, astringents, exfoliators and creams containing benzyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid and glycerin that cleanse your skin in deep and “dry out” the pimples. Benzyl peroxide is a mild drying and peeling agent which is thought to help keep pores from clogging. Some products on the market can potentially be both drying and irritating to your skin. Avoid using drying products containing harsh products because they can increase your likelihood of experiencing skin irritation. Nowadays there is a wide range of different cleansers for every skin type, from normal to sensitive. The main purpose of the facial cleanser is to gently clean your skin without irritating it. It’s crucial to select a cleanser that is appropriate for your skin type. If your skin is oily or combination it must be stronger, more drying containing oil-absorbing ingredients.
Remember overzealous cleansing of the skin can lead to irritation of both normal skin and acne lesions. If you have pimples it’s essential to use a toner. I recommend you to choose a toner containing alcohol. A tonic containing alcohol will dry the pimples but use it carefully. Use specially designed tonics and lotions for oily and acne prone skin. They should contain salicylic acids, glycolic or hydroxyl acids and benzoyl peroxide. The lotions and the tonics speed up skin cell turnover, dry up the oils and promote sloughing of dead skin cells. Before applying , gently wash the affected area with a mild cleanser, then pat dry. Apply to the affected areas of the face or to the whole face.
Always remove your makeup in the evening and apply pimple-fighting medicine to remove all the impurities, oils and makeup residue. Not removing the makeup at night is the biggest deadly sin of skincare. It can be very damaging to your skin? the makeup clog your pores and breakouts may occur more frequent and most importantly your skin won’t be able to breathe.
Most of the people prefer to squeeze or pick at a pimple because they think that it is the best way to get rid of pimples. I don’t recommend you to do that? squeezing a pimple causes the pimple to become redder and inflamed. When squeezing a pimple you can easily spread the bacteria to other parts of your face. In more than 75 percent of the cases squeezing leads to red scars. Squeezing pimples sometimes may even leave open holes on your face, that are very difficult to remove later.
If the pimples are caused by excess production of male hormones / androgens/ the treatment includes several drugs – birth control pills, corticosteroid drugs and spironolactone.
Sometimes a superficial laser may be necessary to treat pimples and scars. Dermabrasion can also used to treat pimples and small scars. Dermabrasion smooths wrinkles, refines and clears enlarged pores, clogged pores, and face acne scars.
Most of the girls suffering from pimples hide them with applying too much foundation and face powder. Although most of the dermatologist and make-up artists believe that there is nothing wrong in doing so I don’t think that it’s right thing to do. You must allow your skin to breathe and as we know some greasy cosmetics / especially heavy foundations/ clog the pores and don’t allow your skin to breathe normally which often leads to an infection. In 5 percent of the cases pimples are a result from using greasy cosmetics. Under the influence of oily creams, oily powders and foundation, the skin begin to produce little subcutaneous cysts that clog the pores, making them looking larger and visible. That’s why your foundation, blush, face powder, moisturizer and hair care products must be absolutely oil-free. Greasy cosmetics may irritate the inflammations and cause further breakouts.
Make sure that all of your skincare products and makeup cosmetics are noncomedogenic and nonacnegenic which means that they won’t clog your pores, cause breakouts and pimples.
When the skin on the back is very oily, little pimples and pustules may form. It’s essential to regularly cleanse and exfoliate the back. Do a back exfoliation every week to remove the impurities embedded in the pores. Do a back mask once a week and apply hydrating body milk.
Other alternatives:
1. Apply an ice cube to the pimple and hold it for a few minutes. The ice cube decreases the swelling and redness and at the same time shrinks enlarged pores.
2. Use a concealer to hide pimples and scars the concealer should be an antibacterial and oil-free. Dot the concealer only in places you need to. Start with a slightly darker tone and blend into with a sponge to match the lighter foundation in order to avoid creating light spots. Apply the concealer after the foundation to achieve best results.
3. Applying a dab of toothpaste on the pimple before going to bed helps sooth irritation, reduces redness and dries out the pimple.
4. Apply a clay mask to your face twice a week – clay masks draw out toxins and impurities and are essential for keeping the skin clear. They work best for those with oily skin? they remove the excess oil and shrink the enlarged pores and shrink pimples. The clay mask should be applied with soft circular motions to help it get into the pores. Always let the mask to dry otherwise it won’t show good results. When the mask is dry rinse thoroughly with water and apply moisturizer. The clay masks can be applied also on the neck, back, and neckline.
5. Apply honey to any affected areas several times a day? the honey is known to reduce redness, nourish the skin and give a natural glow to the skin.
6. Rubbing your skin with lemon juice is the best and most effective way to treat pimples lemon juice lightens red scars and blemishes, maintains the pH balance of the skin.
7. Use special pimple cream that contains benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
8. Drink at least 1.5 liter mineral water every day to help detox your body from the inside out.
1. Avoid squeezing a pimples doing so may cause infection and scarring
2. Establish a strict skincare regime to prevent breakouts
3. It can take up to a 4 week for a pimple to disappear completely.
4. Do a clay mask twice a week to keep your skin clear clay mask work best for skin that is prone to pimples.
5. Squeezing a pimple often leads to infection and scarring.
6. If despite all you want to squeeze a pimple make sure your hands are clean.
7. Avoid eating oily food.
8. Never touch your face with dirty hands.
9. Keep yourself hydrated drink at least 1.5 liter mineral water.
10. Always use oil-free cosmetics.
11. Early treatment is the best way to prevent pimples scars.
12. Always remove your makeup and cleanse your face in the evening.
13. Avoid using products containing harsh ingredients.
14. Avoid applying foundation while there is an acne breakout.
15. Keep your makeup brushes clean.
16. Throw out old makeup products.
17. Pimples often indicate the presence of acne or chronic skin disease.Fast tips on getting Rid Of Pimples
Pimple outbreaks can be one of the most frustrating things to deal with. Pimples can come about at any time and with little warning. These blemishes can cause stress and anxiety, especially when they appear before a big event. Pimples are unsightly and difficult to deal with. Finding an effective and quick treatment is important for anyone that has ever dealt with a blemish. There are many fast treatment methods out there, many of which can be done with items found in ones medicine cabinet.
The key in getting rid of pimples without harming the skin is to treat them early. Toothpaste has been shown to be an effective way of treating pimples quickly. Dab a small amount of toothpaste on the effected area, after the area has been clean. Allow the toothpaste to stay on for around thirty minutes, or overnight before washing it away with an antibacterial face wash. This method will help to dry out the zit and reduce its appearance.
Tee tree oil is another product that can be used to clear up and reduce the appearance of pimples. This oil is available at most beauty supply stores and can help to flatten the pimple and reduce redness. Dabbing the oil on the pimple a couple of times throughout the day will help to get rid of pimples.
Using a facial steamer can also help to open up pores and reduce the size of the pimple. Having this done professionally is not necessary. Placing a warm washcloth over the area helps to open up the pores of the skin.
Applying lemon juice to the skin is another effective way to reduce outbreaks. Lemon juice helps to reduce scarring from acne as well. Rubbing a light layer of lemon juice can help to balance the pH levels of the skin and reduce the size of pimples.
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