When shaping the eyebrows you need to plan the treatment carefully, because it can’t be undone. To achieve the most flattering effect you need to consider both facial and eye types. The shape of the eyebrows affects the appearance of the eyes, as well as the face. Achieving the
perfect shape depends mainly on your facial features. Great eyebrows are a beauty essential and key element to a polished look. Start with a professional brow consultation to work out the best shape for your face.
The eyebrows shape is determined mainly by the bone structure of the face. The right shape will give you definition and provide an attractive frame for your face and eyes.Read which eyebrow shapes are most appropriate for the different faces:
1. Angular shape
The angular shape is appropriate for those with round face. You can enhance this shape with shading and contouring of the eye makeup for elegance.
2. Rounded shape
The rounded shape is suitable for women with large eyes or wide forehead. The rounded eyebrows can enhance the eyes. The eyebrow should follow the frontal bone and be shaped to a taper.
3. Arched shape
The arced shape is very flattering for most women. It gives width and expression to the eye. It opens the eyes and help balance a prominent nose or a large mouth.
4. Low arched shape
The low arched shape works well for those with small forehead by giving the illusion of more length.

The eyebrows shape is determined mainly by the bone structure of the face. The right shape will give you definition and provide an attractive frame for your face and eyes.Read which eyebrow shapes are most appropriate for the different faces:
1. Angular shape
The angular shape is appropriate for those with round face. You can enhance this shape with shading and contouring of the eye makeup for elegance.
2. Rounded shape
The rounded shape is suitable for women with large eyes or wide forehead. The rounded eyebrows can enhance the eyes. The eyebrow should follow the frontal bone and be shaped to a taper.
3. Arched shape
The arced shape is very flattering for most women. It gives width and expression to the eye. It opens the eyes and help balance a prominent nose or a large mouth.
4. Low arched shape
The low arched shape works well for those with small forehead by giving the illusion of more length.
- The Perfect Eyebrow Shape For Your Face eyebrows right shape bodyplace an orange stick in a straight line from the side of the nose to the liner corner of the eye; this is where the eyebrow should begin
- place an orange stick from the side of the nose to the outer corner of the eye; this is where the brow should end
- high forehead – the arch of the eyebrow should be slightly elevated to create the illusion of a lower forehead
- low forehead – the arch should be as low as possible to give more height to the forehead
- wide set eyes – leave the eyebrows unplucked on the inner corners. You can extend the inner corners using eyebrow pencil.
- close set eyes – if you want to make the eyes wider apart, you should pluck more from the inner corners and extend outer corners using eye pencil
- if you tweeze too much from the inner edge of the eyebrows it makes your eyes look smaller
- eyebrows should follow the line of the bone just above your eyes
- high arches are the best way to open up the eyes
- when tweezing grab each hair at the root and quickly yank in the direction of hair growth
- plucking too much from the bottom edge gives you a permanent look of surprise
- never pluck above the eyebrows
- pull hairs out in the direction of growth one at a time
- never pluck daily
- use a toothbrush or a clean mascara wand to brush the hairs