Just as balanced diet and regular exercises are important to control fattening tendency, likewise regular massage of the face is effective method to control wrinkles and give face a sober attraction. Facial massage can stimulate the skin and improve its function.
Skillful massage technique should tone and stimulate the tissues without causing skin distension, loss of relaxation and irritation.
Massage is an effective way to counter wrinkles and fine lines which give an oldish look. It is a slow process and its results will be obvious only when it is continued for a longer period of time.
Facial massage reduces the unattractive fleshiness, tightens the tissues and muscles and increases blood circulation. Massaging the face will help keep the skin hydrated and encourage you to relax.
Skillful massage technique should tone and stimulate the tissues without causing skin distension, loss of relaxation and irritation.
Massage is an effective way to counter wrinkles and fine lines which give an oldish look. It is a slow process and its results will be obvious only when it is continued for a longer period of time.
Facial massage reduces the unattractive fleshiness, tightens the tissues and muscles and increases blood circulation. Massaging the face will help keep the skin hydrated and encourage you to relax.
- always clean your face before massaging
- make sure your hands are clean
- make sure you have removed all traces of makeup, otherwise the pores of skin can be blocked by particles and dirt
- apply a massaging oil or cream that is suitable for your skin type
- start from the neck upwards and end at the forehead or temples, because all veins and tissues get blood circulation by this process
- start with a slow speed from the neck and speed increases as it moves
- the massage should be done slowly by hitting and vibrating the skin
- the skin should be pressed lightly with the tips of fingers
- remove the massaging oil with damp cotton pads
- at the end apply a hydrating face cream
- avoid applying any makeup during the next three/ four hours
- when massaging your face around the eyes, always work from the outer temple inward the bridge of the nose. Move in this direction because the facial muscles around the eyes are suspended from the temple toward the nose. Going in the opposite direction stretches the skin and muscles and risks damage.
- the best time for a massage is before going to bed
- to test the elasticity of the skin, pinch the skin gently in each of the main facial areas. Skin that is firm with good elasticity will immediately spring back into shape. Skin with poor elasticity will appear crГЄpey and will not recover immediately from the pinch test.
- normal skin requires deep cleansing, skin balancing and refinement
- dry skin needs stimulation of cellular function
- mature skin needs deeper stimulation and surface desquamation
- younger skin requires cleansing, toning and refining action to free the blocked pores and improve function
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